ISO17205 certified Lab
Sister To Sister DNA Tests

There are three testing options for sister to sister DNA testing.

  • Testing sisters to see if they have the same Father (sisters with different Mothers)
  • Testing sisters to see if they have the same Father (sisters with the same Mother)
  • Testing sisters to see if they have the same Mother
X-chromome testing - Testing sisters to see if they have the same Father (sisters with different Mothers)

Women have two X-chromosomes, while men have only one X chromosome. Therefore a Father and his 2 Daughters will all have at least one of their X-chromosomes exactly the same (the X from their father).

X chromsome testing is used to see if two or more female persons with different mothers have the same biological father.

If the two or more female persons share the same mother, we require a sample from the mother to be included in the testing, but it is included in the testing cost.

X-chromosome testing is  another unique scientific offering from DNA SOLUTIONS laboratories. DNA SOLUTIONS, the company that created the home DNA test kits and high region-super accurate paternity testing, now has a system to test a high number of specific points on the X chromosome of each person.
X CHROMOSOME Testing Costs: 18,750 for 2 persons (6,250 for each extra person)

If the siblings have the same mother, her sample is required but will be tested free of charge.
Test Accuracy Cost Order
Sister to Sister
(2 Persons)
99.9% 18,750
Each additional person 99.9% 6,250

Mitochondrial testing - Testing 2 or more sisters to see if they have the same Mother

Mitochondrial DNA is a type of DNA that is only passed from Mothers to their children. While men also have mitochondrial DNA, they do not pass it down to their children (since sperm to not contain mitochondrial DNA).

Click here to read more details about Mitochondrial DNA testing.

X-chromosome testing is a another unique scientific offering from DNA SOLUTIONS laboratories. DNA SOLUTIONS, the company that created the home DNA test kits and high region-super accurate paternity testing, now has a system to test a high number of specific points on the X chromosome of each person.

Mitochondrial DNA Testing Costs: 18,750 for 2 persons (6,250 for each extra person)

If the siblings have the same mother, her sample is required but will be tested free of charge.
Test Accuracy Cost Order
Sister to Sister
(2 Persons)
99.9% 18,750

You undergo DNA testing for important
reasons. Would you choose a test that is
low quality because it is inexpensive?
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